工学博士 博士后 副教授 博导/硕导
Emial:zhaonasam2007@xaut.edu.cn QQ:507452198
2016.11至今:永利集团 77779193永利集团 讲师、副教授(硕导、博导)
[1]2018年 陕西省高校科协青年人才托举计划
[2]2019年 永利集团青年科技新星
[3]2019年 永利集团优秀青年教师(第6批)
[4]2019年 永利集团年度科研先进个人
[6]2022年77779193永利集团“喜迎二十大,奋进新时代”微党课比赛 二等奖(1/1)
[7]2022年永利集团“喜迎二十大,奋进新时代”微党课比赛 优秀奖(1/1)
[8]2023年年永利集团教师教学创新大赛暨第21届青年教师讲课比赛副高组 三等奖(1/1)
[2]讲授《Engineering Materials》(《工程材料》)本科生双语课程
[3]讲授《Materials and Processing Techniques》本科生双语课程
[7]2021年永利集团“三全育人”特色项目 负责人,结题
[8]2020年永利集团公司产品改革研究项目-《Engineering Materials》负责人,结题
[12]2023年 永利集团在线开放课程建设立项负责人,在研
[4]2021年第七届中国国际“互联网+”老员工创新创业大赛总决赛 国赛银奖
[5]2021年 第七届中国国际“互联网+”创新创业大赛总决赛 省级金奖
[6]2021年 第十届中国创新创业大赛(陕西赛区) 高端装备制造组 决赛第一名
[7]2015年 荣获XIII Russian-Chinese Symposium AMP2015(中俄双边新材料新工艺研讨会), Kazan, Russia(俄罗斯)“国际会议优秀论文”
[3]国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,钢基表面微/纳米NbC梯度层的原位制备及强韧化机理研究(No. 51704231),2018.1.1-2020.12.31负责人,结题
[5]中国博士后科学基金面上项目微纳米结构TaC梯度增强钢基表面的强韧化研究(No. 2018M633542) 2018.5.4-2020.5.3负责人,结题
[3]钼钛靶材的制备方法发明专利ZL202310469917.5 2024.2
[4]耐磨盾构机滚刀刀具及其制备方法发明专利ZL202310469899.0 2023.7
[5]耐磨碳化物涂层及其制备方法发明专利ZL201410658780.9 2017.02.22
[6]TiC耐磨管及其制备方法 发明专利ZL201410657919.8 2016.8.24
[7]TiC冷冲模具及其制备方法 发明专利ZL201410658779.6 2016.10.5
[8]TiC拉丝模具及其制备方法 发明专利ZL201410657675.3 2017.02.22
[9]TiC刹车盘及其制备方法 发明专利ZL201410657672.X 2018.6.1
[10]WC护轨及其制备方法 发明专利ZL201410657673.4 2017.02.22
[11]TiC护轨及其制备方法 发明专利ZL201410659403.7 2017.04.12
[12]WC凸轮及其制备方法 发明专利ZL201410657869.3 2017.1.14
[13]TiC耐磨碳化物涂层及其制备方法 发明专利ZL201410657389.7 2017.02.22
[14]WC刹车盘及其制备方法 发明专利ZL201410660004.2 2017.05.31
[15]WC冷冲模具及其制备方法 发明专利ZL201410659867.8 2017.06.20
[16]TiC凸轮及其制备方法 发明专利ZL201410659401.8 2016.12.7
[17]WC拉丝模具及其制备方法发明专利CN104588616A 2017.7.28
[18]WC耐磨管及其制备方法 发明专利ZL201410658314.0 2017.1.4
[19]WC发动机挺柱及其制备方法 发明专利ZL201410658778.1 2017.02.22
[20]TiC发动机挺柱及其制备方法 发明专利ZL2014106580617 2018.2.27
[1]Nana Zhao, Jiamin Wang, Jiajing Zhao,et al.Electronic and optical properties of two-dimensional MoSi2N4/SiC heterojunction: First-principles study[J], Ceramics International, 2024, 50: 15435-15443.
[2]Nana Zhao,YurongZhao,YiqiWei,et al.Friction and wear behavior of TaC ceramic layer formed in-situ on the gray cast iron[J].Tribology International, 2019, 135:181-188.
[3]NanaZhao,Yunhua Xu,JiefangWang,et al.Microstructure and kinetics study on tantalum carbide coating produced on gray cast iron in situ[J].Surface & Coatings Technology, 2016, 286:347-353.
[4]NanaZhao, Yunhua Xu, Lisheng Zhong,et al.Fabrication, microstructure and abrasive wear characteristics of an in situ tantalum carbide ceramic gradient composite[J].Ceramics International, 2015,41(10):12950-12957.
[5]NanaZhao,Yunhua Xu, Xing Huang, et al.Microstructure and wear properties of niobium carbide particulates gradient-distribution composite layer fabricated in situ[J].Ceramics international, 2016, 42(16):18507-18515.
[6]Nana Zhao, Rui Shan, Lehao Wang,et al.Bonding properties and corrosion resistance of TaC-Fe enhanced layer on GCr15 surface prepared by in-situ hot pressing[J].Journal of Alloys and Compounds[J]. 2023,940:0925-8388.
[7]Nana Zhao,YurongZhao,JilinLi,et al.Formation mechanism and single abrasive wear of TaC dense ceramic layer on surface of gray cast iron[J].Ceramics International, 2019, 45(12):15580-15588.
[8]Nana Zhao,Yunhua Xu, Yonghong Fu.Mechanical properties of one-step in situ synthesized NbC-Fe composite coating[J].Surface & Coatings Technology, 2017, 309:1105-1100.
[9]NanaZhao, Yurong Zhao, Jie Li,et al.Hardness and yield strength of micro-nano TaC-Fe composite layer characterized through nano-indentation, finite element simulation and dimensional analysis[J].Ceramics International, 2020, 46(3):3479-3489.
[10]Nana Zhao, Lehao Wang, Rongfu Xu,et al.Microscopic and macroscopic interfacial studies of NbC reinforcement layer on GCr15 bearing steel surface prepared by in-situ reaction method[J].Vacuum,2022,200:110992.
[11]Nana Zhao, CongcongRen, LishengZhong,et al.Investigation of mechanical properties of NbC particle-reinforced iron matrix composites under tensile loading-A numerical simulation study[J]. Materials Today Communications,2023, 36:2352-4928.
[12]Nana Zhao, Yunhua Xu, LishengZhong,et al.Microstructure and Scratch Resistance of TaC Dense Ceramic Layer on an Iron Matrix[J].Journal of Materials Engineering & Performance,2016, 25(6):2375-2383.
[13]NanaZhao,RuiShan,ZihanWang,et al.Investigating the binding properties of NbC/Fe-based composite layer and HT300 through experiments and simulations[J].Materials Research Express,2023, 10(1):016519.
[14]Nana Zhao, Yunhua Xu, Weiqiang Zhang,et al.Gradually varying mechanical properties of in situ synthesized NbC-Fe-graded composite coating[J].Materials Science and Technology, 2017, 33(2):220-226.
[15]Nana Zhao, Teli Yao,HaiqiYan, et al. Interfacial Bonding Strength and Wear Resistance of TaC-Reinforced Layer Prepared on Bearing Steel Surface by Hot Pressing[J].Journal of Materials Engineering & Performance,2023:1-13.
[16]Nana Zhao, Yurong Zhao, Xin Wang,et al.Wear mechanism and nanoscratch properties of an NbC enhancement layer with a high volume fraction of submicron structures on an iron-based surface[J].Materials Research Express, 2018, 6(5):055030.
[17]Nana Zhao, Ren Congcong, Xu Yunhua, et al. Simulated Mechanical Properties of NbC-Fe Composite Material under Tensile Load[J].Journal of Materials Engineering & Performance,2023:1-10.
[18]Nana Zhao,Teli Yao,Zihan Wang, et al. Thermal/kinetic study of the formation mechanism of NbC-Fe composite layer on the surface of GCr15 prepared by hot pressure diffusion[J]. Materials Research Express,2023,10(4):046401.
[19]Nana Zhao, Yurong Zhao, Xin Wang,et al.Toughness of micro-nano structure of TaC dense ceramic prepared using in-situ technology[J].Materials Research Express, 2018, 5(6):065061.
[20]Jilin Li, Nana Zhao, Shujuan Li,et al.Characterization of mechanical properties of TaC/Fe composite layer on gray cast iron by using nano-indentation[J].International Journal of Materials Research, 2022, 113(11):962-973.
[21]Nana Zhao, Xin Wang, Yurong Zhao, et al. Creep properties of dense micro-nanostructured TaC layer[J]. Materials Research Express,2019,6(7):075031.
[22]赵娜娜,姚特立,王子晗,等. GCr15表面TiC/Fe复合层的制备及其与基体结合性能分析[J].焊接学报, 2022, 43(10): 11-16.
[23]Nana Zhao,YunhuaXu,KeSong,et al.Study on TaC Reinforced Iron Matrix Surface Gradient Composites Produced In Situ[J].Materials Science Forum, 2016, 848:38-42.
[26]Nana Zhao,CongcongRen,JiangZhao, et al.First-principles study on the interfacial electronic structure and analysis of the bonding properties of NbC/Fe composites[J].Materials Today Communications,2024,38:107592.