王雷,博士,副教授,毕业于西北工业大学凝固技术国家重点实验室,长期从事高温合金、高熵合金、金属间化合物、共晶合金等方面的研究。曾主持国家自然科学基金、航空科学基金、陕西省重点研发计划等多个项目,在金属材料领域ScriptaMaterialia、Journal of Materials Science & Technology、Materials Science and Engineering A、Materials Characterization、Intermetallics、Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A等知名期刊上发表了30余篇SCI论文,获10项发明专利授权,多次在国内会议上作邀请报告或口头报告,荣获西北工业大学优秀博士学位论文、永利集团优秀青年教师等荣誉。
2017.12-至今,永利集团 77779193永利集团,副教授
2014.12-2017.12,永利集团 77779193永利集团,讲师
[1]Lei Wang*, Lingming Kong, Yixin Li, Yuan Wu,Haijun Su*,Yanning Su, Bo Deng, Gang Liu, Zhenhua Han, Yunpeng Zhang, Jun Shen, Guojun Zhang*, A novel (CoFeNi)82Ti5Al5V8medium entropy alloy showing an ultra yield strength and a good ductility by L12nanoparticles strengthening and dislocation strengthening,Materials Science and Engineering A2024,893:146138.
[2]Lei Wang*, Mengjie Zhao, Yixin Li, Yanning Su, Bo Deng, Fuxue Yan, Yongfei Lv, Binfeng Zhao, Yunpeng Zhang,Jun Shen*,Guojun Zhang*, L12nanoparticles-strengthened Co2Ni2Cr medium entropy alloy showing an outstanding tensile property,Materials Characterization2024,209:113744.
[3]Lei Wang*, Xinyuan Wu,Yuan Wu, Gang Liu, Zhenhua Han,Yunpeng Zhang,Yanning Su,ShengfengKang,Jun Shen*,Guojun Zhang*,Design and high-strength origin of novel(CoFeNi)80Ti5V15medium entropy alloywith“fcc+L12”structure,Journal of Materials Science and Technology2023, 149: 154-160.
[4]Lei Wang*,Chengli Yao,Jun Shen*, Yunpeng Zhang,Gang Liu, Xinyuan Wu,Guojun Zhang*, A new method to designeutectichigh-entropyalloys by determining the formation of single-phase solid solution and calculating solidification paths,Materials ScienceandEngineering A2022,830:142325.
[5]Lei Wang*, Luhan Gao, Jun Shen*, Yunpeng Zhang, Gang Liu, Pengkang Zhao, Guojun Zhang*, Eutectic composition design, microstructure and room temperature mechanical property of NiAl-Cr-Ta three-phase alloy,Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A2022, 53: 1479-1485.
[6]Lei Wang*, Yanning Su, Chengli Yao, Yuandong Huang, Jun Shen*, Yunpeng Zhang, Gang Liu, Pengkang Zhao, Guojun Zhang*, MicrostructureandmechanicalpropertyofnovelNiAl-based hypoeutectic/eutectic/hypereutectic high-entropyalloy,Intermetallics2022, 143: 107476.
[7]Lei Wang*, Xinyuan Wu,Haijun Su,Bo Deng, Gang Liu, Zhenhua Han, Yanning Su,Yuandong Huang, Yunpeng Zhang, Jun Shen, Guojun Zhang,Microstructure and mechanicalproperty of novel L12nanoparticles-strengthened CoFeNi-based medium entropy alloys,Materials ScienceandEngineering A2022, 840: 142917.
[8]Lei Wang*, Chengli Yao, Jun Shen*, Yunpeng Zhang, Tao Wang, Yuhui Ge, Luhan Gao, Guojun Zhang*, Microstructures and room temperature tensile properties of as-cast and directionally solidified AlCoCrFeNi2.1eutectic high-entropy alloy,Intermetallics2020,118:106681.
[9]Lei Wang*, Xinyuan Wu, Chengli Yao, Jun Shen*, Yunpeng Zhang, Yuhui Ge, Guojun Zhang*,Microstructural stability of as-cast and directionally solidified AlCoCrFeNi2.1eutectic high entropy alloys at elevated temperatures,Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A2020, 50: 5781-5789.
[10]Lei Wang*, Chengli Yao, Jun Shen*, Yunpeng Zhang, Tao Wang, Hengxin Xu, Luhan Gao, Guojun Zhang*,Microstructures and compressive properties of NiAl-Cr(Mo) and NiAl-Cr eutectic alloys with different Fe contents,Materials ScienceandEngineering A2019,744: 593-603.
[11]Lei Wang*, Jun Shen*, Guojun Zhang*, Yunpeng Zhang, Lanlan Guo, Yuhui Ge, LuhanGao, Hengzhi Fu,Stability of lamellar structure of directionally solidified NiAl-28Cr-6Mo eutectic alloy at different withdrawal rates and temperatures,Intermetallics2018, 94: 83-91.
[12]Lei Wang*, Guojun Zhang*, Jun Shen*, Yunpeng Zhang, Hengxin Xu, Yuhui Ge, Hengzhi Fu,A true change of NiAl-Cr(Mo) eutectic lamellar structure during high temperature treatment,Journal of Alloys and Compounds2018, 732: 124-128.
[13]LeiWang*, HengxinXu,JunShen, YunpengZhang,Tao Wang,YuhuiGe,Luhan Gao,GuojunZhang.Microstructures, Compressive Properties, and Microhardnessof NiAl-Cr(Mo) Eutectic Alloys With Various Ni Contents.JOM2018,70: 2468-2474
[14]Lei Wang*, Jun Shen, Yunpeng Zhang, Lanlan Guo, Hengxin Xu, Hengzhi Fu,Microstructure evolution and room temperature fracture toughness of as-cast and directionally solidified novel NiAl-Cr(Fe) alloy,Intermetallics2017, 84: 11-19.
[15]Lei Wang*, Jun Shen, Yunpeng Zhang, Hengzhi Fu,Microstructure, fracture toughness and compressive property of as-cast and directionally solidified NiAl-based eutectic composite,Materials Science and Engineering A2016, 664: 188-194.
[16]Lei Wang*, Jun Shen*, Effect of heat treatment on the microstructure and elevated temperature tensile property of Fe-doped NiAl-Cr(Mo)-(Hf,Dy) eutectic alloy,Materials Science and Engineering A2016, 654: 177-183.
[17]Lei Wang*, Jun Shen,Effect of withdrawal rate on the microstructure and room temperature mechanical properties of directionally solidified NiAl-Cr(Mo)-(Hf, Dy)-4Fe alloy,Journal of Alloys and Compounds2016, 663: 187-195.
[18]Lei Wang, Jun Shen*, Zhao Shang, Hengzhi Fu,Microstructure evolution and enhancement of fracture toughness of NiAl-Cr(Mo)-(Hf,Dy) alloy with a small amount addition of Fe duringheat treatments,ScriptaMaterialia2014, 89:1-4.
[19]Lei Wang, Jun Shen*, Zhao Shang, Jianfei Zhang, Yujun Du, Hengzhi Fu,Microstructure and mechanical property of directionally solidified NiAl–Cr(Mo)-(Hf, Dy) alloy at different withdrawal rates,Materials Science and Engineering A2014, 607: 113-121.
[20]Lei Wang, Jun Shen*, Zhao Shang, Jianfei Zhang, JinghanChen, Hengzhi Fu,Effect of Dy on the microstructures of directionally solidified NiAl-Cr(Mo) hypereutectic alloy at different withdrawal rates,Intermetallics2014, 44: 44-54.
[21]Lei Wang, Jun Shen,Lingshui Wang,Zhourong Feng, Hengzhi Fu.Effect of a travelling magnetic field on the interface morphology in directionally solidified Sn-Cd alloy,Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China2013, 23(8): 2454-2459.
[22]Lei Wang, Jun Shen*, Ling Qin, Zhourong Feng, Lingshui Wang, Hengzhi Fu. The effect of the flow driven by a travelling magnetic field on solidification structure of Sn-Cd peritectic alloys,Journal of Crystal Growth2012, 356: 26-32.
[23]Lei Wang, Jun Shen*, Xiao Yin, Yujun Du, Yilong Xiong, Hengzhi Fu.Influences of travelling magnetic field on the dendritic structures of Sn–Cd peritectic alloy during directional solidification,Applied Physics A2013, 112: 363-370.
[24]Lei Wang,Jun Shen*, Zhao Shang, Jianfei Zhang, Yujun Du, Hengzhi Fu. Microstructure investigation of directionally solidified NiAl-Cr(Mo)-хDy (х= 0, 0.1 wt%) hypereutectic alloys at different withdrawal rates,JOM2013, 65: 1419-1425.
[25]Xiao’an Yue, Jun Shen*,Lei Wang, Yilong Xiong, Shaokai Zheng,Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of directionally solidified large size Ti-47Al-5Nb-0.18C-0.3Si alloy by electromagnetic confinement,Journal of Alloys and Compounds2021,891:161762.
[26]TaoWang*,ZheChen,GuoqingWang,LeiWang,GuojunZhang*,Microstructure evolution of polycrystalline Ti2AlN MAX phase film during post-deposition annealing,Journal of the European Ceramic Society2018, 38: 4892-4898.
[27]Zhao Shang, Jun Shen*,Lei Wang, Yujun Du, Yilong Xiong, Hengzhi Fu,Effect of microstructure on the high temperature tensileproperties and deformation in directionally solidified NiAl-Cr(Mo)eutectic alloy,Materials Characterization2015,109:152-159.
[28]Zhao Shang,Jun Shen*,LeiWang, YujunDu, YilongXiong, HengzhiFu, Investigations on the microstructure and room temperature fracture toughness of directionally solidified NiAl-Cr(Mo) eutectic alloy,Intermetallics2015, 57: 25-33.
[1]王雷,张国君,张云鹏,武新塬,苏艳宁,黄远东, L12颗粒强塑化的中熵合金及其制备方法,2023.01.31(授权公告日),中国发明专利, ZL202111673989.9
[2]王雷,张国君,张云鹏,姚成利,武新塬,一种共晶系高熵合金及其制备方法,2022.03.25 (授权公告日),中国发明专利, ZL202110608047.6
[3]王雷,张国君,张云鹏,姚成利,武新塬,一种镍铝钼铬钒铁共晶系高熵合金及其制备方法,2022.03.25 (授权公告日),中国发明专利,ZL202110608574.7
[4]王雷,张国君,张云鹏,姚成利,苏艳宁,黄远东,一种含共晶组织的高熵合金及其制备方法,2022.03.22 (授权公告日),中国发明专利,ZL202110608801.6
[5]王雷,张国君,高露晗,张云鹏,王涛,姚成利,一种镍铝铬钽三元近共晶合金及其制备方法, 2020.08.18(授权公告日),中国发明专利, ZL201910619476. 6
[6]王雷,张国君,张云鹏,王涛,葛玉会,一种CoFeNi2VZrx共晶高熵合金及其制备方法, 2020.06.26(授权公告日),中国发明专利, ZL201810840505. 7
[7]王雷,张国君,张云鹏,王涛,高露晗,一种钴铁镍钒锆高熵合金及其制备方法, 2020.03.27(授权公告日),中国发明专利, ZL201810840765. 4
[8]王雷,张云鹏,郭岚岚,许恒新,对镍铝铬钼共晶层片进行深腐蚀的腐蚀液及深腐蚀方法, 2019.10.25(授权公告日),中国发明专利, ZL201710475930. 6
[9]王雷,张云鹏,郭岚岚,许恒新,一种制备组织热稳定性优良的镍铝铬钼共晶合金的方法, 2018.01.23(授权公告日),中国发明专利,ZL201611139463. 1
[10]王雷,沈军,王灵水,王伟,一种有行波磁场发生器的定向凝固装置,中国发明专利, 2013.02.06, ZL201110007198. 2