亚洲磁学联盟(Asian Union of Magnetics Societies, AUMS),由中国材料研究学会磁性材料及应用专业委员会(CSMMA)、日本应用磁气学会(MSJ)、韩国磁学会和中国台湾磁性技术协会发起,于2008成立,每两年举办一次会议。AUMS的宗旨是促进亚太地区磁学磁性材料界的交流,以加强磁性材料在应用领域的合作。
The 3rd IcAUMS will be held in China. The beautiful city of Haikou, known as the 'Coconut City', is the capital of Hainan Province, which is one of the most popular destinations in China.(第三届亚洲磁学联盟国际会议将在中国海南举行)
所在城市:海南省 海口市
联系电话:86-10-5874 2802
传真:86-10-5874 2817

Technical Subject Categories
1. Fundamental Properties & Computational Magnetism
a. Fundamental Magnetic Properties
b. Ab-initio Calculations and Micromagnetics
c. Spin Glasses and Frustrated Magnets
d. Correlated System
e. Superconductivity
f. Emerging Topics
2. Magnetoelectronic Materials and Effects
a. Complex Oxides
b. Multiferroic Materials
c. Magnetoelectric Materials
d. Half-Metallic Materials
e. Ferromagnetic Semiconductors
f. Organic and Carbon-based Spin Transport Materials
3. Soft Magnetic Materials
a. Crystalline, Nanocrystalline and Amorphous materials
b. Ferrites, Garnets and Other materials
4. Microwave Materials and Devices
a. High Frequency Materials
b. Magnetodynamics and Ferromagnetic Resonance
c. Thin Film Inductors
d. Microwave and Millimeter Wave Materials and Devices
5. Hard Magnetic Materials
a. Intermetallic and Other Hard Magnets
b. Nanostructured and Composite Hard Magnetic Materials
c. Rare Earth Transition Metal Borides
6. Thin Films, Fine Particles, Nanostructures
a. Ultra-thin Films and Surface Effects
b. Multilayer Films and Superlattices
c. Patterned Films and Elements
d. Magnetic Nanowires, Clusters and Nanoparticles
7. Functional Magnetic Materials
a. Magneto-optic Materials and Devices
b. Magneto-elastic Materials and Devices
c. Magneto-caloric Materials and Devices
d. Magnetic Fluids and Separation
e. Molecular and Novel Magnetic Materials
8. Spintronic Materials and Devices
b. Spin Transfer Torque
c. Domain Wall Devices
d. Magnetic Tunnel Junctions
e. Spin Effects and Injection
f. Exchange Bias
g. Magnetoresistance, Magnetoimpedance and Hall Effect
h. Other Spin Transport
9. Magnetic Materials Applications
a. Biomedical and Environmental Magnetics
b. Motors, Generators, Transformers & Power devices
c. Sensors, MEMS
d. New Applications
10. Magnetic Imaging and Instrumentation
a. Magnetic Microscopy and Imaging
b. Synchrotron Studies
c. Processing and Characterization of Materials
d. Magnetic and Structural Measurements and Instrumentation
11. Emerging Magnetic Materials
a. Meta-Magnetics and Materials
b. Skyrmrons
c. Emerging Topics